Ideas to get you noticed #84
Welcome to the newsletter for w/c 24.01.2024.
I apologize...I left the stage for a while...
I had a Simone Biles Moment, in fact a month. By mid November my energy had been spent. During 2024 I coached clients, created the Podcast Guest Blueprint course, wrote a 378 page book, conducted over 90 podcasts and completed a non-exec director certfication course. I also did some consulting on technology stacks for content creators.
I needed a break.
I took my amazing daughters to Chamonix to ski for 4 days, and then really tried to regroup over the holidays.
Coming back, coming up quickly was the launch of The UnNoticed Entrepreneur Volume 3. I had a sell out event at the Waterstones Bookshop in Bath.
Book launch event.
The evening kicked off with me sharing the story behind the book and why it’s all about helping entrepreneurs get noticed. I also showcased my podcast-to-published process, giving everyone a behind-the-scenes look at how the podcast inspired the book.
I introduced my new avatar — a glimpse of how tech is helping bring stories to life in exciting ways. the abridged presentation and read full story here.
Or click on the image.
Your book next?
Do you want to write a book, but find getting started is hard.
When I was working on the book I spent a lot of time with the Dan Curran and his team at They have combined AI + human editors to help people who want to write a book. They claim it is 85% faster than writing a book yourself, and it's a lot less expensive than a ghost writer.
Dan offers a free 20 minute call here
Take the avatar test.
If you want to get an answer, but you don't want to call me, you can still get an answer from me. I've been training the avatar with more content and refining the answers. You can try it here
Now the Simone Biles are over, and the book is launched, I'm diving into getting the Personal Branding course complete. That shows you how to create a personal website. If you're interested to waitlist..then sign up here.
And finally...
🎂 I'm celebrating on the 25th...I'm not going to say how old I am.🎉..because I'm not acting my age. 🍾
Keep on Communicating!
Jim James
Entrepreneur turned Host, Author, Coach.
E: [email protected]
M: +44 7717729625
Wiltshire, UK
Everything I do is listed here:
[p.s. is a really useful link tool and it's free]